about us
Prairie Soul Press (formerly Kouros Publications) stands for truth, community and story. We look to find and promote authors from the Canadian Prairies and elsewhere whose work speaks truth through a captivating story and who are plugged into their local writing communities.
We publish multiple genres, but focus on works dealing with mythology, cultural exploration and the craft of writing.
Prairie Soul Press
Goblincore, at its heart, is about nature. Both the nature around us and our own human nature. Natures that are seeming more and more under attack from the wonders of the modern world like doomscrolling and bingewatching.
Goblincore is a defense against these attacks. Goblins see the futility of perfectionism. They know perfect is an abstract concept that is unmanifestable in reality.
So why are we killing ourselves over an image of impossible perfection? Way better to go out and dig in the garden.
Or dig into these stories! This collection of shinies, mostly by neurodivergent authors, use the nature around us—often the less Hallmark-card-worthy aspects of nature—to reflect what it is to be human: imperfect, conflicted and entirely loved.

This is a … weird little book.
It’s not for everyone.
But … since you’re still reading, maybe it’s for you.
The Philosophy of Blue brings to light esoteric (possibly ancient, possibly just cooked up recently as a gag) fragments of tenets—words to live by—and pairs them with tiny stories from up-and-coming flash fiction authors.
These little stories will change the way you look at the world, even for a minute, and let you see past the everyday into the numinous space where we are most ourselves.
Or it’s just a gag to give you a good laugh. Nobody’s really figured that out yet. Read the book and let us know your theory.
The Philosophy of Blue

Newton MacLean is a complicated cat. You might think he is a cat of few words, but you would be wrong. Oh, so very wrong.
Newton began his training as one of the world’s most accomplished feline poets like so many before him: tucked into a ball in the crook of his human’s knees while they read and recited the great literature of the times.
His talent for weaving rhyming couplets and iambic pentameter soon emerged, playfully marrying words with ideas and experiences in a myriad of clever ways. He was destined to be one of the greats.
Thanks to his dogged (a word he despises) determination and his human’s desire to do anything for him, this book is finding its way to you.
Ode to Myself

From the pages of Captain Blue and Queen Bee comes the amazing prequel – Queen Bee’s origin story!
THRILL to bizarre experiments of the 50s and 60s, creating B-movie monsters that roamed the streets of this fair city.
MARVEL at the young woman volunteering for she knows not what, being coated with royal jelly and shot with a RADIATION GUN!
WONDER as she fights then falls in love with the mysterious CAPTAIN BLUE!
A WONDROUS retro futuristic look at the HEROES and VILLAINS that might have been …
Queen Bee: Origin Story

Deep in Alberta’s WILD WEST past lies a mystery. Two men go into the foothills. Only one returns – with tales of a massive lode of GOLD!
He never finds it again. Many others try. NOTHING is ever found. Did he LIE? Was he lost in his OWN HEAD? Or were there SUPERNATURAL forces at play?
This CREATIVE RE-IMAGINING of the Lost Lemon Mine story looks at the forces beneath this ANCIENT LAND and the very nature of HUMAN GREED.
Madman's Gold

Glass Half Full of Poetry is a literary surprise bag as optimistic and interdisciplinary as its writer. Based on Krogstad's own experiences, it tells her life story through word art, photographs, audio, and more. Through personal stories on universal themes including love, loss, humor, and self-expression, Krogstad aims to use her individual experience to point out the commonalities in all of us. Heart-warming, hopeful, and vulnerable, Glass Half Full of Poetry is an appeal to acceptance and diversity that should not be missed. The culmination of years of spoken word performances across Western Canada, developing fully captioned shows with visuals and music, Krogstad has channeled this experience into a collection that jumps off the page the way her shows do.
Glass Half Full

There is a book in you that is ready to be written.
You know it. And the Universe knows it too.
What if there were a way you could tap into a force that would help you overcome all the reasons not to; bypass all the fears and doubt, allow you to attune to the flow of writing, and connect you directly with the message you want to share—with those words that are waiting for you to write them?
That is exactly what Confessions of a Ghostwriter helps you do—connect directly with the book that’s inside of you.
After refining this practice through years of research and ghostwriting, Allissa Blondin will show you how to “download” your book by quieting the conscious mind and connecting directly to Higher Consciousness.
It’s time to tell your story. It’s time to write your book.
Confessions of a Ghostwriter

Poems mixed with dolor and drink.
khcollins's collection, Fermented Musings, is a journey through the darkness of chaos, self-destruction and shame towards the awareness of knowing, acceptance, and eventually liberty. Through the movements of Water, Sugar, Yeast, Spirit and then Water II, the reader is led through this darkness: “my days, a series of little griefs”; “I gnawed at the bark of my torn skin” towards eventually learning “how to make honey from the sticky stuff”, with “rough smoothing out rough” and “smooth roughing out smooth”. The powerful poem, i/xvii/mmxvii, with its rich imagery, beautifully describes this journey towards healing and peace.
Fermented Musings

Would the contents of your bookshelf get you burned as a witch in the past? Throughout history, women accused of being witches and put to death by burning, stoning, hanging, or drowning were women who were smart, educated, healers, single, widowed, old, overly social, confident, too beautiful, too ugly, sexual, subversive, and deviant. Witches have been most often portrayed as evil, living solitary lives in the forest, eating children, and communing with the devil. But in recent years, women have been reclaiming the word "witch" to symbolize female empowerment. This excites us very much and makes us wonder what stories about witches and the Canadian Prairies could be told!
Prairie Witch

It’s scarier when you can't hide.That’s the idea behind Prairie Gothic, the new anthology of psychological and supernatural horror from Prairie Soul Press. Gothic tales, set in decaying, abandoned settings and characters with dark secrets mingle on the high Canadian Prairies.Something wicked this way comes ...
Prairie Gothic

Back in 1968, Captain Blue was a high-flying, psychedelic commando battling a scourge of B-Movie monsters left over from 50s experiments. He even had his own cartoon!
Now, he’s an old man making his living off the convention circuit, the creatures he used to fight protected by human rights laws and the citizens he swore to help thinking he’s part of the problem, not the solution.
But when a mysterious note is passed to him, it opens up everything again, and our hero must figure out what it has to do with Queen Bee, High Lady of the Hive Mind – his once-nemesis, now ex-wife – and how he can protect law-abiding citizens from new terrors emerging.
Come flip out, skip out and trip out with the world’s first and only psychedelic commando and his bip-bop buzzing partner – Captain Blue, Psychedelic Commando and Queen Bee, High Lady of the Hive mind!